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Inclusion Policy

1. Purpose

The Village Hall Trust wants to ensure that it remains a most welcoming place to all persons who provide or attend any of the activities. Inclusion is a sense of belonging, connection and community.


2. Persons Affected

This policy covers all persons partaking or organising activities at the hall, and any activities organised by any of the Village Hall groups at off-site locations (e.g. field trips, sporting activities etc.).


3. Policy Principles

The Poughill Village Hall Trust lease the property from the Pyncombe Trust. This lease states that the Hall will be “for the use of the Parish and adjoining Parishes for meetings, classes, lectures and other forms of recreation and leisure occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants without distinction of political, religious or other opinions “.

Being inclusive is the primary purpose of the Village Hall’s existence. As an organisation in a small and isolated village it is important that we run a range of activities suitable for all ranges and capabilities of individuals, and are aware of unconscious bias and remain vigilant against it by trying to exclude this from any decision-making.


4. Procedures

If anyone is aware that there is a failing by an individual, group, team, or organisation using the hall to follow this policy, please raise this immediately with the Chairperson, Vice Chair or most senior person present. Please provide any details of the circumstances and any other persons who may have witnessed this.

Any report will be promptly followed up and a report provided at the next Village Hall Committee meeting, and reported to the Trustees.


5. Review

This policy will be reviewed annually.

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